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Home » Has my ID been Exposed by the FaceBook Data Breach?

Has my ID been Exposed by the FaceBook Data Breach?

FaceBook Data Breach in a nutshell

In early April, a hacker posted 533,000,000 records from FaceBook. The data included:

  • User Names
  • Birth Dates
  • Emails
  • Phone Numbers

FaceBook response was underwhelming

FaceBook Data Breach
Response of FaceBook communications officer on their data breach

Factually this is true.  What is new is that the data is published.  A better resonse would have been, something along the lines,

This data breach occured in 2019.  We have corrected the issue.  We want to take this opportunity to remind  you to change your password, etc.

Are you at risk from the FaceBook data breach?

The data spans globally.  There were 33 million records from the United States, and 11 million records from the UK.  The biggest concern is the association of phone numbers to identities.  All of the records contained phone numbers.  Many records contained dates of birth, location, relationship status and employer.  2,500,000 contained email addresses. In order to find, if your data was part of this breach, you can visit There you can look up to see if you have been affected by this breach.  At the same time, it will search other hacked databases for your information.

Regardless of this particular incident affecting you, my advice is that you get Identity Theft Protection. This will protect you, and it helps support this site. Please visit Identity Guard, and get up to 33% discount for using my link.   Thank you.



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